Get Good Food at 1/2 Price or Less

I found a great app that helps solve some food waste issues and at the same time allow us to benefit obtaining food at a fraction of a cost. It's called, To Good To Go

On their website, they note saving money on good food at a fraction of what you and I would pay at a regular price. This also allows us to rescue food near us like local cafes, bakeries or restaurants. Also, it helps with the environment by reducing food waste

I first tried it, I was a bit skeptical, but the app was easy to use, it highlights how much it would cost before putting in an order. The only caveat is that they have it as a "surprise bag" for pick up. In addition, there is a small window when you can pick up the order. 

There are various restaurants, grocery stores, and bakeries that participate. So I looked at familiar businesses that was located around me and I started to put in an order. It was super easy to use and to pick my order. Simply show your app and they will confirm and then a bag is waiting for you when you arrive. 

Below is one of my orders and how much I paid for the items and also I took a picture of the items that were in the surprise bag, I thought it was good deal! I immediately used some of the items for my cooking ingredients. 

Personally, the only thing I would caution is that you'll have to use your items ASAP otherwise, it would lose it's quality. Check it out! 

Oranges, Apples, Banana, and packet of noodles
Oranges, Apples, Banana, and packet of noodles

